Refinery Services
We work regularly with many of the world's largest international and state-owned oil, petrochemical, storage terminal, and energy companies.Encopassing trade has worked with major oil companies in more than 17 countries to run on-site sludge treatment plants.The sludges that form in tanks, pits, lagoons, and separators are a big health and safety and environmental problem for the industry. Encompassing trade, Refinery Services does a great job of coming up with the best solutions to hard problems. With the help of our highly experienced team, we create services and products that are meant to improve Health and Safety and Environmental performance for both Client and Contractor. We always do what's best for the least amount of money.
Encopassing trade has a lot of experience with the recovery and recycling of used acids, hydrocarbons, and solvents, as well as the management of marine waste (Marpol) and waste from oil refineries. As a division of Encopassing trade, we can offer a range of complementary hazardous waste management products and services, such as the collection, transfer, treatment, recovery, and/or disposal of both hazardous and nonhazardous waste. Encopassing trade uses physiochemical, biological, or thermal processes, like centrifuging, evaporation, fixation, distillation, filtration, neutralization, or thermal desorption, to deal with hazardous waste.Getting around trade Refinery Services has come up with and put on the market a number of new technologies, including:
Thermal desorption can be used to treat oily sludge at both low and high temperatures.
Sonar technology is used to make a map of an oil tank.
The nozzle system cleans the tank automatically.
Taking sludge out of pits and lagoons while the ship is in service
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But worse, what if the fish doesn't fit in the can, the foot's to big for the boot? Or to small?
To short sentences, to many headings, images too large for the proposed design.